May 20, 2009

I won't say, "I told you so" ~

Can't really say the job search hunt has ended but I am still trying to find a decent office job. I really need my g2, but practicing with parents has lowered my confidence level.

Hopefully this new place doesn't take my life away. I'll literally have 1-2 days off. eff, emm, elle. But on the bright side, commission doesn't start till 3 months later THUS slacking still exists in my vocabulary, har har! I missed my free starbucks today though. I guess it's worth it, I gotta lay low on the visits...cousin thinks i'm a tubalard *tears*.

Ottawa/Montreal was pretty amazing. The "highlight of the vacation" award would probably have to go to:

  • the prize winning lobster dinner at the hilton.

    I would've went swimming, if mother nature didn't visit this quickly!
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