I remember the first day I got my first Hollister t-shirt. Like any typical asian would do (aka me), I picked up a simple design for under $20. Light green with white letterings "Hollister" across the chest. I remember I was so proud of having a job in grade 9 that I would slowly get in the habit of shopping. Abercrombie on the other hand, was a slightly different story. Owned a few sweaters, shirts and shorts but not really a fan. I don't remember paying regular price for anything (YAY ME). Earning $7.25/hr barely helped. Story of my life, when back in the day, minimum wage was under $7.50. *sigh*
I had a Paul Frank obsession during grade 8. As of now, I have approximately 8-10 t-shirts in different designs and colours. I'm embarrassed to say that I barely wear any (maybe to sleep or as lounging clothes). Two shirts were a gift, one was on sale and the rest were $30 regular price. That's almost $300 worth of Paul Frank clothing plus belts. Ri-di-culous.
I remember when fur-hood coats were in. I was so tempted to get one so I bothered my mom while she was playing mah jong with her friends to bring me shopping. BAD IDEA especially when she started yelling. Eventually someone in the house was going to the mall so my mom gave them her visa. The things I do for jacket..that I barely wore for a year because then it looked ugly to me LOL
TNA. The thought of little girls wearing it grosses me out. Sure their "suit" was in by then (I also wanted one myself), but I lost respect for Aritzia when they started making XXXXXXXS sizes just so they can make profit from little kids. My first piece of TNA clothing was a simple turquoise t-shirt which I received as a gift for Christmas. Eventually it led to two more sweaters (which I still wear). Surprisingly, no suit (I know euh?) because eventually Lululemon caught my eye as the "adult version of TNA". A more mature brand so I had to get a pair myself. I did so much damage to my debit. I had no idea that credit cards existed back then.
A typical high-school student with a part-time job, and this is what happens.
UNIVERSITY is a completely different chapter.