Flying in this baby on July 27th. Not gonna be looking forward to the cheap snacks, limited drinks and cramp alleyway on the plane. Looking forward to seeing bffl after how many years? Gonna get my drank on. Gotta love calgary for making legal age 18. Spending 19th birthday in Vancouver, let's see how the west side parties. BRING IT ON!
June 29, 2009
5-0, B's and Drags
I have work in 4 hours. Why did I decide to go out? Was craving another bubble tea so we decide to drink and dine at destiny's after midnight. Decided to go congee wong when we were a block away from destiny's so we got take out bubble tea instead. Finished my small cup in 2 minutes (such a feen for the tapiocas) and headed over to fmp only to find out that it was closed. FMP's congee wong is soft btw. In the end, decided to head back to friend's place and order pizza/wings. What a waste of trip, richmond hill for a cup of bubble tea LOL. But why did I decide to come home now ugh.

Flying in this baby on July 27th. Not gonna be looking forward to the cheap snacks, limited drinks and cramp alleyway on the plane. Looking forward to seeing bffl after how many years? Gonna get my drank on. Gotta love calgary for making legal age 18. Spending 19th birthday in Vancouver, let's see how the west side parties. BRING IT ON!
Flying in this baby on July 27th. Not gonna be looking forward to the cheap snacks, limited drinks and cramp alleyway on the plane. Looking forward to seeing bffl after how many years? Gonna get my drank on. Gotta love calgary for making legal age 18. Spending 19th birthday in Vancouver, let's see how the west side parties. BRING IT ON!
June 27, 2009
asian glow.
Who plays mah jong at a party? That's right, we do

A suppose-to-be sober party. I hate my face .. my warm cherry face. On another note, can you guess what the cake is suppose to be? Cutest cake ever. Maybe I should ask for a baskin robbin cake too wahaha~ happy birthday lina! You had way to much fun (refer to top right picture of drunk birthday girl). Only a month and a bit till I get to join you :) LOVE YOU ♥
June 24, 2009
I despise people like you. Smarten up when you give me reasons like "I forgot".
June 23, 2009
awaiting 03/05/2010
Should be interesting! Referring to the present though, Transformers early screening comes out tonight. To avoid a crowded theatre I guess i'll wait till next week to see it. I shall be avoiding those who are seeing the movie this week. I will not be fond of spoilers!
June 21, 2009
when drunk dad's go crazy -
I wish I had a picture of my dad and the other dads. Considering it is father's day and we went to a bbq to celebrate it, it gives the daddy's a reason to get pissed drunk. Constant screaming in viet and chinese, laughter etc. Amazing. Minus the cold chicken wings.
Payday aka time to online shop. Forever 21 ships for free for orders $75 and over. Anyone care to shop?
Payday aka time to online shop. Forever 21 ships for free for orders $75 and over. Anyone care to shop?
June 17, 2009
really now?
in debt $9.07 ? Did I really have to buy bubble tea? WHY :(
Luckily i'm getting paid this friday. But wow, I thought I would never use my overdraft until now. Guess I have to start watching what I buy. Online shopping will have to wait till next month. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
So after doing some online banking, I've been loafting for a good hour. Haven't looked at my notes/textbooks or anything. I need that motivation now, stat!
So I came home after work, and didn't really expect to step in my dog's pee. I started to panic because eww, it's pee and now my feet's covered in baby's pee. While panicking, I happened to awaken my tired father from his beauty sleep, so you probably know what happens next. Aggravated father wakes up, starts yelling la-de-da.
I already hate picking up poo. Cleaning up pee sucks even more since it's wet. With a baby mind, it's already too late to potty train this old dog.
As a consequence, he's sleeping in the laundry room. Poor dog.
Luckily i'm getting paid this friday. But wow, I thought I would never use my overdraft until now. Guess I have to start watching what I buy. Online shopping will have to wait till next month. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
So after doing some online banking, I've been loafting for a good hour. Haven't looked at my notes/textbooks or anything. I need that motivation now, stat!
So I came home after work, and didn't really expect to step in my dog's pee. I started to panic because eww, it's pee and now my feet's covered in baby's pee. While panicking, I happened to awaken my tired father from his beauty sleep, so you probably know what happens next. Aggravated father wakes up, starts yelling la-de-da.
I already hate picking up poo. Cleaning up pee sucks even more since it's wet. With a baby mind, it's already too late to potty train this old dog.
As a consequence, he's sleeping in the laundry room. Poor dog.
June 16, 2009
where are you motivation?
As June 20th near, my two textbooks remains unopen until I finally have energy to start studying "hardcore". Work takes up most of my time and I am beginning to be sleep deprived. FML
What to do. Head in Waterloo Friday afternoon? Or accept a ride from my mom early morning on Saturday. HMMMMM...the thought of waking up super duper early makes me shiver.
So after one full month of hard work, my parents decided that we go fly to calgary first thing after canada's day. Asking for three weeks off will be difficult, considering the manager is really selfish so she'll say no. Can't blame her, it's money i'm turning down. FML #2
I'm the biggest procrastinator you'll ever meet. Hence this is why i'm wasting time blogging.
BTW candy apples are the bommbbb. the yummy-ness (Michelle's vocabulary) makes me forget about the 10000000 calaries/carbs entering my body per bite. OH gosh, I really need to work out. Wii fit please :)
What to do. Head in Waterloo Friday afternoon? Or accept a ride from my mom early morning on Saturday. HMMMMM...the thought of waking up super duper early makes me shiver.
So after one full month of hard work, my parents decided that we go fly to calgary first thing after canada's day. Asking for three weeks off will be difficult, considering the manager is really selfish so she'll say no. Can't blame her, it's money i'm turning down. FML #2
I'm the biggest procrastinator you'll ever meet. Hence this is why i'm wasting time blogging.
BTW candy apples are the bommbbb. the yummy-ness (Michelle's vocabulary) makes me forget about the 10000000 calaries/carbs entering my body per bite. OH gosh, I really need to work out. Wii fit please :)
June 13, 2009
the item that made my night worse than it already is :
so this STUPID thing here -

was purchased because I was getting tired of purchasing batteries for my two wii controllers. I stopped buying batteries because, meh, I was in school so I had no time to play anyways (i mean work out). Who knew friends would come over and we would just brawl non-stop. Then by mid-may, controllers died and my friends would bring their controllers when they come over. One asked, "why don't you just get the rechargeable deck thingy?" Mhmm, maybe I should when I get my first paycheque.
I purchased this WII CHARGE STATION for $39.99 ($45.19 with tax) at TOYS 'R US. Opened up the package aka point of no return. I come home and DECIDED TO LOOK THROUGH BEST BUY'S WEEKLY CATALOGUE and I see:
NYKO's Wii Charge Station - $24.99 SAVE $10
'xcuse me? since when was this originally $34.99? AND $24.99? WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!
END OF STORY before I get pissed even more.
was purchased because I was getting tired of purchasing batteries for my two wii controllers. I stopped buying batteries because, meh, I was in school so I had no time to play anyways (i mean work out). Who knew friends would come over and we would just brawl non-stop. Then by mid-may, controllers died and my friends would bring their controllers when they come over. One asked, "why don't you just get the rechargeable deck thingy?" Mhmm, maybe I should when I get my first paycheque.
I purchased this WII CHARGE STATION for $39.99 ($45.19 with tax) at TOYS 'R US. Opened up the package aka point of no return. I come home and DECIDED TO LOOK THROUGH BEST BUY'S WEEKLY CATALOGUE and I see:
NYKO's Wii Charge Station - $24.99 SAVE $10
'xcuse me? since when was this originally $34.99? AND $24.99? WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!
June 08, 2009
referring to my previous post on this specific customer:
turns out she works beside me, at olsens. Came in to tell me that my music was too loud. Bitch please. No wonder she said she "works in the industry".
please, if you do work in the industry then you SHOULD understand what "final sale AKA NO EXCHANGES, NO REFUNDS" mean instead of causing a scene, dumb bitch.
I got the hands of a hair stylist. Don't watch that. Colouring my sister's hair tomorrow "red auburn". Should be interesting :)
turns out she works beside me, at olsens. Came in to tell me that my music was too loud. Bitch please. No wonder she said she "works in the industry".
please, if you do work in the industry then you SHOULD understand what "final sale AKA NO EXCHANGES, NO REFUNDS" mean instead of causing a scene, dumb bitch.
I got the hands of a hair stylist. Don't watch that. Colouring my sister's hair tomorrow "red auburn". Should be interesting :)
June 06, 2009
truly an inspiration.
rip simon deng
I remember at your commencement, you got the whole crowd in applause, some even on their feet..standing ovation as you walk on the stage and receive your numerous awards. Emily carr was in no shock as you were well known for your amazing talents. Me and debbie clapped so hard for you but I know she has extremely happy to have such an amazing friend like you.
Watching the group grow at a rapid rate proves that you've been an inspiration to us all. As the Emily Carr family say their last goodbyes at the church, I sit here speechless not knowing what to say to this news.
You made us all who we are today and I thank you so much for that.
I remember at your commencement, you got the whole crowd in applause, some even on their feet..standing ovation as you walk on the stage and receive your numerous awards. Emily carr was in no shock as you were well known for your amazing talents. Me and debbie clapped so hard for you but I know she has extremely happy to have such an amazing friend like you.
Watching the group grow at a rapid rate proves that you've been an inspiration to us all. As the Emily Carr family say their last goodbyes at the church, I sit here speechless not knowing what to say to this news.
You made us all who we are today and I thank you so much for that.
June 04, 2009
customer complaints.
seriously, why do customers have to make things worst for the employees? I mean, i'm a customer as well and I don't see the reason why you need to make a big deal when you're told "it's final sale. no exchange, no refunds".
IT'S IN CLEAR ENGLISH. accept it or just leave, fuck.
on the bright side...
IT'S IN CLEAR ENGLISH. accept it or just leave, fuck.
on the bright side...
BABY's back from the doggy spa :)
June 01, 2009
A lovely Sunday Night.
I really need to rant about the hills finale/mtv movie awards.
Amazing, amazing, AMAZING episode. Amazed how Speidi's wedding turned out and I can't wait till they unveil the whole wedding on June 8th. This is gonna be verrrrry interesting to watch.
..and mtv please, check your sound system. I hate watching tv when people are just moving their mouths with no sound. Watching the new season of the hills promo with kristen cavalleri WITH NO SOUND AGAIN totally defeats the purpose of a "sneak peak" preview.
"I just met justin bobby. He's such a stand up guy." - Kristen Cavalleri
Next season will definately be catty. No more lauren/kristen drama. Gonna miss Lauren in the hills, it will never be the same. Audrina/kristen drama will absolutely be interesting to watch, especially when it's justin bobby =O. Reality tv shows kills it.
Wow. Andy Samberg definately makes the award show worth watching. At first, "best award show" came to mind but after hearing few friends say it was bad, I finally understand why.
1) Eminem/Bruno Shinanigans
Sacha Baron in a g-string, flying across the theatre in an angel outfit. Halfway to the stage, he flips and lost balance. Crew members try lowering him but he landed on...

At first it was funny to watch and you think it was actually staged and plan. Once Eminem started cussing and everything was censored, we were all just confused as Eminem, bodyguards + D12 leaves the award show in outrage. Definately not staged as confirmed by dan levy.
..and without further a do, nominees were not announced for "Best Male Performance" so Bruno just announced the winner while trying to get off Eminem.
Poor Zac Effron, especially the way he received the award. Awkward.
2) Megan Fox's hair-do?

not really a fan of gel-ed back hair. Loved the dress though.
3) Leanne Rimes singing "Jizz in my Pants" ?
Very weird. Although I prefer Adam Samberg singing his own songs, the performance was "alright".
4) Kristen Stewart
Aside from Twilight stealing all the awards, why do you look stoned? What's with the converse and always touching your hair?

The Hills
Amazing, amazing, AMAZING episode. Amazed how Speidi's wedding turned out and I can't wait till they unveil the whole wedding on June 8th. This is gonna be verrrrry interesting to watch.
..and mtv please, check your sound system. I hate watching tv when people are just moving their mouths with no sound. Watching the new season of the hills promo with kristen cavalleri WITH NO SOUND AGAIN totally defeats the purpose of a "sneak peak" preview.
"I just met justin bobby. He's such a stand up guy." - Kristen Cavalleri
Next season will definately be catty. No more lauren/kristen drama. Gonna miss Lauren in the hills, it will never be the same. Audrina/kristen drama will absolutely be interesting to watch, especially when it's justin bobby =O. Reality tv shows kills it.
MTV Movie Awards 2009
Wow. Andy Samberg definately makes the award show worth watching. At first, "best award show" came to mind but after hearing few friends say it was bad, I finally understand why.
1) Eminem/Bruno Shinanigans
Sacha Baron in a g-string, flying across the theatre in an angel outfit. Halfway to the stage, he flips and lost balance. Crew members try lowering him but he landed on...
At first it was funny to watch and you think it was actually staged and plan. Once Eminem started cussing and everything was censored, we were all just confused as Eminem, bodyguards + D12 leaves the award show in outrage. Definately not staged as confirmed by dan levy.
..and without further a do, nominees were not announced for "Best Male Performance" so Bruno just announced the winner while trying to get off Eminem.
Poor Zac Effron, especially the way he received the award. Awkward.
2) Megan Fox's hair-do?
not really a fan of gel-ed back hair. Loved the dress though.
3) Leanne Rimes singing "Jizz in my Pants" ?
Very weird. Although I prefer Adam Samberg singing his own songs, the performance was "alright".
4) Kristen Stewart
Aside from Twilight stealing all the awards, why do you look stoned? What's with the converse and always touching your hair?
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